742 Eckhardt Ave W

Penticton, British Columbia

(877) 663-8287

(250) 486-6472


8:00AM - 3:45PM

Optimize Performance: Expert Tips On How To Maintain Your Heat Pump

Stay Comfortable Year-Round

Essential Maintenance Tips for Your Heat Pump

Why is annual maintenance so important for your heat pump system?

  1. Efficiency: Regular maintenance ensures that your heat pump operates at peak efficiency. This helps to lower energy consumption and reduce utility bills.

  2. Longevity: Routine maintenance extends the lifespan of your heat pump by addressing minor issues before they escalate into major problems. This protects your investment and saves you money on premature replacements.

  3. Reliability: Regular servicing reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns, ensuring that your heat pump keeps your home comfortable year-round without interruption.

  4. Safety: Maintenance checks help to identify and rectify any potential safety hazards.

  5. Warranty Compliance: Neglecting maintenance could void your warranty, leaving you responsible for repair costs.


Overall, annual maintenance is essential for optimizing performance, ensuring longevity, and maintaining safety and reliability for your heat pump system.

Is it time for the recommended yearly cleaning of your system?

Or is something just not working right?

Fill out our form below and one of our Office Allstars will be in touch!

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Cleaning the filters in your Mitsubishi Electric Heat Pump:

It’s recommended to clean the filters in your Mitsubishi Electric heat pump every 2-4 weeks during peak usage periods and at least once every three months under normal conditions. Keeping the filters clean helps maintain optimal airflow, improve energy efficiency, and ensure the longevity of your heat pump system.

Cleaning the filters in your Mitsubishi Electric heat pump is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Turn Off the Heat Pump: Before starting any maintenance, ensure the heat pump is turned off to prevent any accidents or damage.

  2. Locate the Filters: Depending on the model of your Mitsubishi Electric heat pump, the filters may be located behind a front panel or grille. Refer to your user manual if you’re unsure where to find them.

  3. Remove the Filters: Carefully remove the filters. 

  4. Clean the Filters: Take out the filters and gently vacuum them to remove any dust, dirt, or debris. If the filters are heavily soiled, you can wash them with mild soap and water. Allow them to dry completely before reinstalling.

  5. Inspect the Surrounding Area: While the filters are out, take a moment to inspect the area around them for any accumulated dirt or debris. Use a soft brush or vacuum to clean any visible buildup.

  6. Reinstall the Filters: Once the filters are clean and dry, carefully reinstall them in the same position they were removed from. Make sure they are securely in place.

  7. Turn On the Heat Pump: After completing the filter cleaning process, turn the heat pump back on and ensure it’s functioning correctly.